Saturday, January 31, 2009

Our New Horse Trailer

Everything is going to be different this year when we load up the horses for the 2009 show season.  We won't have to jam our saddles, bridles, show clothes, grooming gear, buckets, first aid supplies and all of the other necessities into the back seat and truck bed of our Ford F-150.  We won't have to climb up on the bumper and tires to reach the fly spray or dig through the back seat to find a helmet or a cowboy hat.  We won't have to shoo a horse out of its stall so we have a place to change in our 10-foot Trailers USA bumper pull.  Surely the stresses of show day are now a thing of the past because yesterday we picked up a new, customized 24-foot Eby gooseneck trailer with dressing room and storage area.  After so many years of roughing it at shows, we think we've earned a bit of convenience.  The ground may be covered with a sheet of ice, but we're optimistic about the future.  Having a great new trailer is just the motivation we need to keep us training enthusiastically through the winter weather that lies ahead.             

Our old trailer is for sale now

Our old trailer is for sale now

Here's how we solved the problem of a short truck bed on our Ford F-150